Monday, November 3, 2008

Catching the running bug and Happy Halloween

After the "kids k" as they were enjoying their drinks and treat bags, Ben said this to me: "Mom ask me why I ran the race." I did and he responded, "because I LOVE running!" I thought that was so cute. They really did great. We'll definitely have to sign up again next year.

Emily and Ben crossing the finish line.

The start of the kids k

Nate coming in from the 5K. He did great, 8th overall. There weren't too many, but I was still impressed. He did another one last Saturday and improved his already good time. I asked him if he was going to try for the marathons like Justin and Alisa. He said that was too time consuming and he enjoyed the 5ks, so he'll be doing that for now.

Pre trick or treating. It was perfect weather, and we all had a great time.

Nate and the kids at the school carnival.

The fort that Nate, Emily, Ben and Deven built yesterday.

I am not organized enough to make the wish lists right now, but I'll have to get on that! Love you all, Jen


Justin said...

Yay! Glad the running bug is spreading.

Is that a box of cookies in their running bags!? I never got a bag of cookies for any of my races. I think I am signing up for the wrong races.

Congratulations Emily, Ben, and Nate on your races!

Susan Dunlap said...

What a fun time and great costumes! Thanks so much for sharing!

I was wondering where some of the running genes were coming from, then remembered my dad was on the track team in high school, and Dad said he thinks Carlos was also.

We'd like to add our congratulations to Justin's!

Alisa said...

Sounds fun!

Definitely sounds like the Dunlap/Blaine family has a bit more natural running talent than the Houghton's. I enjoy it but don't think I'll ever be in the top 10 of a race..way to go Nate!

Looking forward to seeing you all at Xmas time.