Thursday, June 25, 2009

Father's Day pt. 2

Well, here is my attempt at giving everyone a few minutes of Father's day in Paradise.

See you all soon!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fun in June for Dad amd Mom

On Lake Shasta we had gorgeous calm water, good fishing, and lots of fun games.
It took some convincing, but Dad wore his shorts!
These geese were trying to get out of the way of our houseboat and did not approve of our being so close!
One of Dad's first fish! I am not blogging all of them - we have 11 in our freezer and Dad bar-b-qued at least 2 a day for me there. All were salmon except for 1 rainbow. Soooo yummy!
Your Father's Day quotes beautifully arranged by Jill captivated Kathryn, Jeremy, Granny - all of us!
Aiden was sharing the whipped cream bowl with his brother, but not for too long!
Aiden and John sharing smiles on Father's Day!
Brianna and Dad opening his gift - I can't remember Dad's comment (help me, Jeremy, Kathryn, Cris, John???) but he though the package had something to do with aliens!
Powerful, awesome, incredible thoughts you shared with Dad!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Clean house post..Oh and Mexican cruise

Most proud of this...The top of the dresser..Haven't seen it since December..
John's bed is made too....shocked I'm sure

watermelon was out and crock pot...just finished cooking dinner too...


Bri's butterfly room..

Just finished cleaning the sofa here....

Clean family room (ugly sofa! Big beastie!)

Start of a garden...

Back yard is coming along

It took me 17 years to get back...

ATV adventure

Biggest flag ever!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!!

Just wanted to wish you both
a very happy anniversary!!
How many years is this?
Love you a bunch and appreciate
the love and commitment you've given to
each other these many years and to
us "kids" too. Love you lots!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Marathon #3- Return to San Diego

On May 31st Justin and I ran the San Diego Rock n Roll marathon and completed our third marathon in 365 days. We both came away from the race with new Personal Records (PR’s) and had a great time with friends in SD.

Justin and I had very different race experiences but we both finished strong! It’s been a busy month so I’m not going to go into a lot of detail but I’ll leave you with some photos. On another note, Justin finishes school on THURSDAY!!!! YAY Justin!

Before the race start. Waiting in the Port-o-Potty line.

Justin looking very strong near the beginning of the race.

I think this around mile 3-4, still looking very strong!

Near mile 18, looking tired but chugging along. This was right before there were people handing out otter pops. I gladly took one, it was delicious!

Mile 21. I tried to pose for the camera but they missed it but at least they caught me smiling.
Here is Justin, also near mile 21, he doesn't look so smiley. Still going strong though.

This is very close to the finish line. My eyes are peeled for the archway of the finish line.

Justin finishing STRONG with fist in the air and a new PR.
3:25:29 (aka Super Speedy!)

Finished-YAY! Clock time is not my finish time, official results: 5:49:04

This isn't a very good picture of Justin but it shows that we are all smiles at the finish line. Also shows that I have an extremely patient husband who waits hours for his wife to finish and is happy to see her.

My best friend, Kristen and her husband Kevin, also ran this race. It was their first marathon.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Dance Recital

Grandma Unk-unk

Grandma Kathy

Talia, Cassidy and Bri

Pretty dancers-harliquin theme


Very serious ballerinas

Bri had her recital today...It was a circus theme and we were way in the back...but here are some of the pictures from it. You may recognize some of the others....

Painting Rilan's room

Here are a few pics of the room Rilan's things will be in. I painted it a light yellow and I think the color turned out pretty good. The bassinett in there we'll have in our room for the first few months anyways and there's just his dresser and a nice rocking chair that Thain bought for me in there now with Heath's bed and some winnie the pooh poster things I made and other decorative things one hanging thing says love and one says laugh they are really cute and I found them a while ago at a dollar store. There's also a poster thing I made out of the poem I like and posted on my blog on one small son, and a cute frame we found in Southern Ca.. The first or last picture however these turn out is of Amber, Thain, and Joseph under our sun umbrella at Logan Idaho we went to swim and the weather turned to cold hail and rain, we still had a good time though. Hope everyone's great. I would love to see or hear some results from Justin and Alisa on their marathon. :). Hope it went well.