Friday, July 1, 2011

Pics from Anderson's

It's been a while since I blogged so here's some pics from our trip with Mom and Dad and then just various happenings.  We've been having a good summer but wow two little kids is a lot of work!  It's all I can do to keep everyone fed around here.  They are precious and worth it but endless demands, laundry and dishes does make me feel like Cinderella minus anyone evil to blame :).   When it comes to family Dunlap's and my family I am abundantly blessed and grateful!....well enough rambles here's the promised pics....
Of course most have seen these but May brought the birth of our beautiful girl Abriela Anderson!  Thanks to Jen I have a decent pic of me with the kids. Also thanks to Jen I had some much appreciated help with the baby !  

 Rilan has been a very sweet loving big brother for the most part...especially considering he lost his only child and only baby status and has really had to share a ton of attention.  He's a super good sport and so cute and sweet with her.
 Dad and Mom with Abbie when we went up to visit.  Was a great visit and we loved being there and spending time with Mom and Dad!
 A great pic of mom with Abbie! :).  
 Brianna with Abbie :)
 Thain and the kiddies very recent pic :)
 Thain and Rilan motorcycling (very slowly) up at his brother's
 May look like a total contradiction but hey we all know looks can be deceiving and in this case too! :).  We went to a fun dinosaur museum park a few days ago and Rilan posed for a pic :).  He's really a sweetie but dangerously destructive too!  
 Amber just got back from a trek monday!  She's been doing good and having a good summer as well! 

A beautiful sunset view and picture taken up in Huntsville near were Thain and I got married.  I took a drive with the kids the other day!  So pretty!