Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thain's Pictures

Above are the images from our lake trip. These are from Thain's cell phone. Hopefully they will post more soon!


Justin said...

Wow, way to be an efficient blogger Jeremy! Cool shots from the cell. Wish I had listened to Colby and tried out that pyramid when I could.

Looking forward to seeing everybody else's pictures too.

Jill And Thain said...

Thanks Jer! Glad you were there to know how to transfer them or I don't think we'd of ever figured it out. Thain has some other cute pics from the trip I will try and add them soon. It was sure good to see everyone though it seemed like time flew by fast and I didn't get to visit with everyone as much as hoped! :).

Susan Dunlap said...

Thanks for sharing these, Jeremy! Can't wait to see some more! If any of you wonderful family members have special pictures from our vacation, I would love to receive them over the internet (or any way!) to copy and put in my scrapbook for Utah: 2009! Thanks, with great anticipation!!!

Unknown said...

The pyramid really ws fun..until the lightning storm started...I haven't moved that fast, pulling a pyramid in years....I miss you guys already. I feel like we've done nothing but go to the dentist since we've been back. I dropped a very excited (NOT!) Colby off at 6:15 this morning for the Trek. I know he will enjoy it, but he sure didn't want to go....