Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rilan Thain Anderson

Sorry for the long delay on pictures but you can't believe how much work a newborn can be let alone getting over a surgery and making sure Rilan gets over Jaundice while trying to learn to breastfeed...well maybe some of you know that well and even more but I sure didn't realize... Luckily Mom's here to help me this week and I already feel better and better every day. Rilan is such a cutie and a joy and we already love him so much. He's worth all the hours of natural labor, then having to have a c section after the dr already tried doing the vacuum forceps and episiotomy to try and get the poor little one out. Quit the experience but well worth every moment. I wanted to experience labor and I got my wish and more :). Rilan does little else but sleep poop and eat and then all that again again and again but he's already trying to lift his head and when we put him on the ground in the park he practically rolled himself over tried to lift his head and was moving his feet a lot.........I think he will be an early crawler...he's already to take off running well inbetween his many naps :). Ok well I will hopefully be able to post more later but here's some anyhow. Hope all is going well with everyone. Love to all. Jill and Thain


The Blaine gang said...

sooo cute! We sure love him too!

Susan Dunlap said...

Rilan is such a doll, and Jill is such a great mom! Rilan loves to listen to Thain sing to him and tell him all about the things they are going to do together.
I love being here to share this very special time with them!

Jeremy said...

Very cute! Thank you very much for sharing the pictures Jill! You and Rilan look great!

*Sarah* said...

Sorry to crash in on the family blog, but Jill is my best friend and I love her SO much! Jill--the picture of you holding Rilan is priceless. Your face is so full of love for him. He is a beautiful baby and I can't wait to meet him! Congratulations and "way to go" handling such a difficult birth. I'm so proud of you!! xoxoxo

Alisa said...

Awww! Looking forward to meeting the little guy.

I commend you for going through all that birthing stuff =). Look what you got in the end though...awww.

Amanda said...

Jill! Congratulations! Rilan is just adorable, I am so happy for you! I can't believe the trauma it took to get him here, but you are such a trooper, and I'm so glad you're already feeling better. The pictures are just great. Look at all the wonderful people who are already in love with that boy...so lucky =). I hope things continue to go well, and I can't wait to meet this little cutie!

Kathryn said...

Congratulations! You made it through 9 months and child birth! What an amazing women! Rilan is adorable! I can't get enough of the picture with you and your newborn. So precious. It really shows a mother's love. I can't wait to meet him!

Justin said...

Aww, what a cutie! Looking forward to meeting him myself!

Unknown said...

Bri told us all obout getting to meet him! He looks just like I imagined! I'm missing baby time, he will be crawling by Christmas! I'm so glad Mom is there will you get back on your feet after that ordeal. That's how it was with Bri and you shouldn't have to go through both labor and a c-section..doesn't seem fair. Keep posting lots of pictures as he will change daily! Love to you all!!