Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Morning

I haven’t posted in a long while but I thought I’d take the time to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving tomorrow. Justin and I will be thinking of all of you and wishing you a safe travels and happy eating.

I wanted to share what I saw on my way to work this morning! Spartacus (aka my awesome new bike) and I took a ride to work this morning. We were treated to the most spectacular views of Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Helens at sunrise. I pulled over and took a few photos. Days like today make me feel lucky to live in Oregon (I know, no one thought I would EVER say that, right?!?!).

This last one is supposed to be St. Helens but the iPhone camera isn't the best for long distance shots.
On my other blog, I'm hosting a virtual turkey trot tomorrow. Essentially, it's motivation to get out and exercise before eating lots of yummy food because you'll know several other people from across the country will also be trotting along too. I'm posting the "race bib" below and I encourage everyone to get outside even just for a walk around the block. Enjoy family and nature (wow, that really made me sound like a hippy-dippy tree-hugging Oregonian...uh-oh...where is the mall? I need a dose of reality.)



The Blaine gang said...

Wow Alisa, what a pretty ride! You are definitely climatized! :) Are you wearing berks yet? We are enjoying Thanksgiving and are wishing you a happy one too! We'll be taking our walk around the lake while the bird cooks. If I don't get on the other site, know that we are following your advice...

Jill said...

That's funny! I'm glad you appreciate Nature and family those are two of the greatest things even if it sounds oregonian :)... I thought Portland had a lot of options it looked like, it probably has a good mall too ;). Thanks for sharing the morning ride and thanksgiving wishes!! Hope you both have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Susan Dunlap said...

Yea Alisa! I just learned of your new blog on our hike this morning! Your pictures are great and new your bike looks like a gem! Wish you many happy rides and triathalons!
I couldn't get into your turkey exercise site, but as Jen wrote, we did get out in nature's beauty (snow and ice here) for a great walk. Can't wait to see you both, whoops, three, for awhile in awhile!!!!

Alisa said...

Jen, heck no on the BERKS! I may learned to life my new surroundings but I still say heck no to Berks and Crocs!

Hope you guys had a great thanksgiving! See you all soon!