Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Assignment Photo

My task was more Zoey, so here she is:

In reality I am cheating at my homework as Alisa sent this photo to me. It brightened up my day to see my two girls sleeping on the couch, so hopefully it will bring a smile to other people's faces as well. Zoey is a great cuddler. She always prefers to sleep in a room with someone else around. If she is sleeping on the couch where we are doing something else, she will eventually stretch out or move such that she lies alongside a leg or has her head in a lap. In this photo, Zoey is keeping sick Alisa company on the couch. Poor Alisa has been attacked by the same cold that ruined my weekend. Hopefully, if my experience is an indicator, today will be her last rough low energy day.

We definitely are smitten with Zoey... At least when she is sleeping. Actually, we are about a month into a puppy training program and she is doing great! Sure she can be stubborn at times, but she picks up most things rather quickly. Walking with her is already a much better experience with much less tugging. Hopefully in another couple of months we won't have to do much tugging or dragging at all. Our homework this week is to teach her to "go to your rug", to "come here" (even when there are distractions), to "leave it", and to "lie down" without repeating the command and without any hand signals or treats.

OK, task fulfilled Mom. What's next for me? You are probably just interested in more Zoey from me... Though take into account that I could blog about my quantum homework; does the number of coefficients required to describe a system peak any one's interest? How about dark current behavior in digital single-lens reflex cameras (my first "first-author" paper!)? Yeah... Probably just more pictures and stories of Zoey...


Alisa said...


Please spare us from physics talk =). Though once published I would like to read my hubby's first-author paper!

Susan Dunlap said...

Ah, such an endearing photo!
Huge Kudos to sons who read and and follow Mom's homework assignments! Alisa, I too would love to read your hubby's first author paper. Do you think he would be really insulted if I needed references and/or explanations to understand it?
I had to chuckle - new parents often brag about how adorable their babies are when they are asleep!
Dad and I just returned from Reno and a slot tournament at the Peppermill there. We were watching the presidential debate. I am so disheartened - wishing there was a candidate I could believe in and be inspired by. So I came downstairs and was overjoyed to find your newest contribution!

Alisa said...

I don't think he would be offended. I'll need the cliff notes too =).

Presidential debate was interesting...my favorite thing about the debates is all the chatter that happens after. Chatter from the analysts, my co-workers and the funny things peopoe put on UTube. I love election season...even if my original candidate is long gone.

The Blaine gang said...

I hope you feel better Alisa! I would love to read your paper too Justin. Has the rain started again?

I have to agree with you about the election Mom. With only two parties really having a chance I get frustrated at the inefficent finger pointing and lack of progress. Oh well, I guess it could be worse!

I was going to fulfill my assignment too, but maybe I should wait a day or two and let you have the spotlight a little longer!

Yes, you and Alisa are just like new, proud parents. So cute. Lucky Zoey!

Justin said...

Thanks guys for the encouragement. I will send you all a copy of the paper when it is finalized. I hope that will be in the next week or so! I can hold a class on the paper over Thanksgiving or Christmas. Here is the cliff note's version though: It gets hot inside camera bodies when they operate. Yup... That is what I have devoted the last 6 months of brain time to.

Feel free to post your blog over this one Jen. I feel that the more there is the merrier..

I will hopefully get to posting some pictures of Zoey's allergic reaction to vaccinations here in the next day or so.

Alisa said...

Definitely the more the merrier. Where are the rest of the big crazy Dunlap family? John Dunlap's where are you???