Monday, August 9, 2010

Christmas List 2010

Here is the results from the first bug-free run of the program this year. Let me know if anything doesn't seem right. Gifters should not have the same giftees as they did last year, shouldn't give to their own spouses or children, etc.
Looking forward to seeing everyone soon hopefully. Also, I would love to post some pictures of happenings around here, but things are too crazily happening to get that done... Maybe when class is over in a couple of weeks. Hope you are all doing splendidly!

@@@@@  CHRISTMAS LIST 2010 @@@@@

Adults: ['Jen', 'Nate']
Children: ['Amber', 'Heath']

Adults: ['Justin', 'Kathryn']
Children: ['Heath', 'Rilan']

Adults: ['Alisa', 'Jeremy']
Children: ['Rilan', 'Brianna']

Adults: ['Cris', 'John']
Children: ['Amber', 'Colby']

Adults: ['Alisa', 'Nate']
Children: ['Bronco', 'Emily']

Adults: ['John', 'Kathryn']
Children: ['Deven', 'Aiden']

Adults: ['Jen', 'Jill']
Children: ['Deven', 'Bronco']

Adults: ['Jill', 'Jeremy']
Children: ['Brianna', 'Ben']

Adults: ['Thain', 'Justin']
Children: ['Emily', 'Ben']

Adults: ['Cris', 'Thain']
Children: ['Aiden', 'Colby']


Jeremy said...

Thank you Justin!

Susan Dunlap said...

Teaching a college class, settling in your new home, and running a randomized Christmas gift list - do you sleep? Looks good to me!!!

The Blaine gang said...

Great! Thanks so much Justin and Jill for getting this done! Now let's all update our amazon wish lists and hum a Christmas carol! Looking forward to a virtual tour when you have nothing else going on Justin! Have you or Alisa read "born to run?"

Justin said...

Nope, no time for sleep for me these last three weeks! :)

I'm reading Born to Run now actually Jen. Alisa read it a couple of months ago. So far it is pretty good, but I have heard that there is some question to the authenticity of the tribe the story is based around. Have you read it?

Jill And Thain said...

Thanks Justin! Looks great!! It does sound like you are crazy busy! Hope it eases up a little soon for you no more demands here except for maybe your calander pages.. Have them ready by Friday! Just kidding of course :) hope all is feeling interesting and going well!

The Blaine gang said...

Phew Justin, I almost got that book for Alisa for her birthday. Nate and I listened to part of it on our last trip. We should finish it this weekend when we go to Yellowstone. His writing seems more sensational than factual. Entertaining though. Nate ran barefoot a couple of mornings. His knees hurt less, but he gained some nasty blisters!