Monday, March 9, 2009

Stomach Contents

Just thought I would share the contents of my stomach as well!
(OK, this is actually a test post more-or-less to make sure the blog still works.)


Jill And Thain said...

ummm I'm not counting this as a post get busy blogging Justin :)>. also same to Jeremy&Kathyrn and John Dunlap's...I'd love to know what's going on with you guys lately...yes I know pest, pest pesty :).

The Blaine gang said...

YUM! Send some along. Is that rhubarb? I worried about your title, thinking it was a blog about throw up, and I didn't want to look. :)

Alisa said...

Nope...cherry and it is delicious!!!!!!!!!!

Only someone with kids would think the title meant barf.

The Blaine gang said...

oh yeah, now I can see the cherries. Don't dogs barf too? :)

Susan Dunlap said...

Good Grief! All those comments and a new post and I couldn't access them! Thanks for fixing the blog, Justin! Thanks for the chuckles; you are the best!!!! PS Cats barf also!

Susan Dunlap said...

I forgot to exclaim over how yummy and beautiful your cherry pie looks! - and now we know it tasted great also!

Jill And Thain said...

mmmmm looks good I will look for my piece in the mail ;)> Just teasing. Hope it was good. Who made it you or Alisa?

Justin said...

Thanks for the idea for the next post Jen! Alisa and Zoey have upchucked recently.

I made the pie Jill, and yup, your piece is in the mail! Hope you like mold.

Jill said...

mmm I LOVE mold ;). Way to go. You'll have to teach Thain to love cooking because neither one of us cook much and I want a personal chef! no he does enough for sure :). Well when is Jeremy and/or Kathryn and John and/or Cris going to update me on their lives????