Thursday, March 19, 2009

100 Things About the Dunlap's...starting w/J&A

In an effort to revive the family blog, I thought since our family blog hit 100 posts recently I thought it might be fun to do a “100 new things about our family” post. If each family posts 16.6 new things about their family we will have 100 new fun facts…good luck trying to find something that fits the .6 (I say we round up to 17 things, this can include fun pictures too)!

17 Fun Facts about Alisa and Justin:

1. We have lived in 3 states together (California, Massachusetts and Oregon)

2. We have traveled to 5 foreign countries (Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Mexico and Canada) & 26 (I think) US States together

3. We love to run and therefore, love bodyglide and sweat wicking workout clothes

4. We have a combined Netflix queue as well as separate accounts

5. By the end of June 2009 we will each have an advanced degree

6. We enjoy fresh baked bread almost every week (courtesy of Justin's newfound love of bread making)

7. Alisa uses duct tape on her feet to help prevent blisters; Justin has perfect, non-blistered, non-callused feet

8. We are both slightly obsessed with the internet

9. Justin is a night owl; Alisa is an early riser

10. Friday night has become unofficial date night, usually cooking dinner/getting take out and watching a movie from combined Netflix queue

11. Every Valentine’s Day we eat a different Trifle for dessert; we also take turns cooking Valentine’s dinner

12. We plan to open a bottle of our wedding wine or champagne every year (we have 8ish bottles of the red wine and the champagne is produced every year)

13. We take turns hiding Easter baskets; this year it’s my turn to hunt for a basket and Justin’s turn to hide one

14. Zoey, our little four-legged track star, has run approx 50 something miles & walked approx 20 miles in the past month (she has her own training log)

15. Zoey’s shoe destruction count is at 8 fully destroyed, 2 with minor damage but still wearable

And for the last two, here are a couple of pictures…

One of my favorite pictures from our honeymoon.
Wine tasting as a family in Healdsburg.

I'm looking forward to reading all the fun facts/seeing pictures of the other Dunlap family's!


Jeremy said...

Very cool idea! Fun facts!

Susan Dunlap said...

I love it! Can't wait to read everyone's and get Dad involved in doing ours also! A truly wonderful idea, Alisa!! Thanks to you and Jeremy too as I really enjoy your comments and commenting!

Jill said...

that's a great Idea! I've been in CA visiting Mom and Dad and haven't been close to my pics but I plan to do this soon! that was fun to read your facts. Thanks for the fun idea Alisa and Justin!

The Blaine gang said...

sounds like fun! I'll get working on ours. Can I have a couple of your favorite bread recipes? Thanks!