Friday, March 27, 2009

Parent's Particulars

Enjoying Dinner before we headed north, Jill and Thain to the east, and Jeremy and Kathryn westward.

Jill, Thain, and Kathryn at BJ's Grill (where we celebrated Alisa and Justin's rehearsal dinner) in Folsom last Sunday on our trip to Plymouth !

Jeremy and Kathryn with the mint chip Coldstone cake for his 26th birthday!

Dad's and my contribution to Alisa's brainstorm celebrating our family's 100th blog!

1. Most importantly, the Easter Bunny, Dad, and I are inviting YOU to come to Easter Dinner on Sunday, April 12! Let us know if you can make it - we know it's a long way and you are horrendously busy, but .........!

2. We are seeking a new wall bed mattress. The adjustable one did not win any raves and was awkward and difficult to use. Love that Costco - they are arranging pick up and crediting our account!

3. Honey sales are booming, despite Dad's yard having declined to only two hives.

4. We enjoyed celebrating Jeremy's birthday with him and Kathryn, John and Cris, and Jill and Thain. Thain repaired the Dunlap yard on Stearns Rd. while he was out!

5. The wildflowers and green grass this spring make a beautiful cover for the blackened hills along Skyway, Clark, and Neal Rds. from last summer's fires.

6. Dad's making an amazing recovery! He says the pain now rates only a 0 to 1.

7. Thain is brimming with an array of activity suggestions and possibilities for our Utah vacation.

8. Dad said last night at dinner to ask all of you, "How about going back to Hawaii, maybe Maui, in 2011 after our Maine vacation next summer?"

9. None of our 1986 lettuce, pea, and radish seeds sprouted! The new seeds all have however!

10. Jill and Thain rented Nights in Rodanthe and left it with us. We watched it last night and loved it and Dad says, "If you haven't watched it yet, you should!"

11. Our favorite TV shows are NCIS and the Unit! We keep Tivo recording like crazy!

12. We took a trip down memory lane Sunday in Plymouth with Jeremy and Kathryn and Jill and Thain, passing Young's Winery and eating at BJ's Grill. Trouble is Alisa and Justin (the bride and groom) and Jen and Nate and John and Cris and their families were not there with us!

13. Dad is the night owl and I am the early bird - but it gives us each some down time!

14. We have lived together in only one state, but visited more than half of the US states. And no, we are NOT moving to Nevada!!!!!!

3 pictures bring us to 17 - but they are at the beginning!


Alisa said...

mom, this is great! I love this! Hope everyone else joins the bandwagon too.

As for comments:

#1- Not sure about Easter, I could see if I could take a personal day. Maybe Justin could come down though, I think he can work from home on Fridays.

#3- Honey...mmmmmm...glad it's booming. We rented Bee Movie (it's a Disney flick), it wasn't great but it was all about honey. We're out =(.

#6- So glad Dad is feeling better!!!!!!!!

#8- would pass that up!?! Yes please! (Though Justin and I had another possible idea we might float to the group.)

#12 - Fun! Wish we could have been there. I love that area--duh, why would I have gotten married there if I didn't.

Thanks for the fun facts and pictures!

Justin said...

Great list Mom! So glad to hear that Dad is feeling better (and you too on the phone earlier today).

I would love to make it out for Easter. I will have to see if that is a possibility with all the papers they want me to write.

Jill said...

great comments pics mom except umm they should be all pics with you and dad not me and Thain! That was so great to be out though and I know we'd both love to be there for easter but since we just came and it's such a long trip I kind of doubt it...I might look into a quick flight idea though. Really glad Dad's feeling better too and Hawaii again sounds great to me also but I'm open I just love to be able to have a fun vacation with all the family. (John might be dissapointed if we're not considering disney world maybe? we might have to plan a side thing with that for those that want to save up and do that seperately) It's really so neat to get all the family together and have a trip with them. I really have had fun no matter where we go. Thain does have a lot of fun ambitous ideas planned for everyone this year! most sound pretty fun I'd try a few if I were you, I think I'll be with the puzzle/reading/small walk/ laying on the beach groups though thanks to everyone for changing plans to hangout were we will have to stay though! It's great to be able to see everyone and not feel like we're missing something! :)

Susan Dunlap said...

no. 14 - ohhhhh shucks! love, Dad
no. 8 - what do you have in mind Alisa?

The Blaine gang said...

Oh, I am so relieved Dad has started making plans for 2011. That means he has given up on kicking the bucket in 2010 for tax reasons???!!! Yeah!

Tell John we can meet in Florida anytime he wants as long as it's in the fall or winter. NO summer trips to Florida! :)

How can we pass up an invite to Hawaii!!! We still dream of Hawaii, and the kids still talk about it. Alisa and Justin need to post their idea. I am curious!

For Easter I was asked to help hide Easter eggs for the town Easter hunt on Saturday and now I am wishing I didn't. It would be fun to come out. Next year? Let's plan on it, and I won't volunteer for anything in Mantua.

That was a great post Mom and Dad! Thanks so much for sharing!

Justin said...

Actually, Alisa's idea was the same as John's apparently... more-or-less. Actually we would want to incorporate the Disney marathon/half-marathon/5k run into the plan with the idea that we could get some (if not all) to at least run the 5k with us (we would be doing all three that weekend). It would be a ton of fun to run around the parks. We hadn't proposed the idea yet as we were looking into the location of the nearest Casino.

In any case, once Alisa heard that Hawaii was on the table again, she was more than willing to postpone that idea.

Susan Dunlap said...

When is the Disney marathon/half-marathon/5k run?