Thursday, January 15, 2009

Vacation website

I am a blog slacker! I have lots of cute pictures, but time seems to just evaporate in my world.

Anyway, I wanted all of you to know about this website. Nate and I found it while we were looking for fun vacation ideas (Thank you Mom And Dad!!!!!) for our anniversary. It's If you go to the tab that says packages and click on it all kinds of ideas come up. I don't know if it's legit yet, we haven't booked yet. It just was fun to search on. We found some great deals.

I am hoping to get some pictures up soon. We have some good ones of everyone from Christmas.

We'll be thinking of you Justin and Alisa! Love, Jen


Susan Dunlap said...

That is a neat site and makes one (me) want to go somewhere! We will be interested to hear how it works for someone actually booking a trip!

You are all welcome! It is fun for Dad and me to hear all about the places and activities you are considering!

Justin said...

Thanks Jen! for the link and the thoughts. The marathon was a success for both of us and we had a great weekend! Hopefully we will get to posting some pictures soon.