Friday, June 18, 2010

Lots of Ups and one Down

Hi all...been awhile since the Portlanders have posted.

I'll do highlights bulletpoint style:

-Justin had an awesome semester!  Straight A's (not that any of us thought he would get anything less) and an extremely complementary email from one of his professors about what a great student Justin was this term.  Yay Justin!

-Justin and I are house hunting!  Yes, house hunting DESPITE the rainest June on record (I am definitely ready for summer).  We are looking to set down some roots and are having a great time looking at houses.  I never knew I cared about the size of the yard or about where a bathroom is located.  When/if we find something we love, we'll keep people updated.

-Justin is still training away for his ultramarathon...running lots of hills and lots of miles.

-Here is the one "down." I crashed on my bike about 2 weeks ago.  I'm okay and thankful it wasn't more serious.  I have a large hematoma on my right leg (I call it my alien water balloon) and some bruising.  It's been a pretty big training set back but I'm powering through.  For those interested, here's a photo:

-My dad had a stellar retirement party last weekend.  I flew down for a short trip, it was great to see him and a bunch of my old teachers.  To the teachers in the family, wait til you have students come back 20 years later!

-Justin went on a fun bike camping adventure.  They parked the car somewhere and biked to the camping spot and then biked back.  Sounded like lots of fun!

I think those are the major updates.  We are really looking forward to seeing you all very soon!


Susan Dunlap said...

Wowie!!!!!! I found a great new blog. Huge congratulations to Justin; heartfelt sympathy to Alisa! That looks so sore! (I don't think a quip about training wheels would be appreciated.)

Nice to hear your enthusiasm toward house hunting! Wouldn't you like to contact House Hunters and have them televise your search? Good luck in finding the best one for you both and Zoey!

Jeremy said...

Congrats Justin! Ouch Alisa! That really looks painful. I am glad it wasn't more serious.

Good luck on finding the perfect house!

The Blaine gang said...

Setting down roots huh? Does that mean Berks yet Alisa? ;). Happy healing and house hunting. Good job Justin! Thanks for the fun update!

Justin said...

Thanks everyone!

We actually asked our realtor to put down an offer on a home today!?! Yikes.

Too bad we didn't think about calling House Hunters before thinking about putting down that offer Mom. That could have been fun! Though I can't imagine the extra coordination and stress of including a TV show in the process.

Jill And Thain said...

Thanks Alisa!! Those were great!! Ouch on the leg it's gotten bigger! What a pain for your training too but glad your making the best of it. How exciting your house hunting! And go Justin, that's awesome!! That one class sounded really tough too! See you both and everyone soon Yeay!! We're leaving tommorow morning and I'm wasting time on the computer when I should be sleeping!! So good to hear all your updates though glad I was "wasting" time ! :) Oh wow an offer!! I didn't read the comments before posting I'll have to go check it out! :)

Jill And Thain said...

just looked at the house it looks really nice, and good for you, it would be great I'm sure to have a yard for Zoe too! Good Luck!! That is exciting and a little scary! You'll have to keep us informed, did they do an appraisal or is that after the offer? Good luck! see you soon!

Alisa said...

House offer is still pending. We are waiting for the sellers to counter, reject or accept the offer. We'll keep you posted.

Jen, NO, still no birkenstocks for me, thank you! I'm still me just with paler skin due to lack of sunshine.