Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas from Mantua!

This year we made a gingerbread house from scratch.  There are even rolled out gumdrop stained glass windows on the side of the house that unfortunately are hidden from the camera. We are enjoying picking off treats.

A lot of rain made a lot of the snow has melt, but we'll take what we can get.  We are hoping most of it sticks around for Saturday.  I would love to get some more cross country skiing in!  It's my favorite snow activity.   The kids can play outside for hours, literally!  The neighbor dogs come over to play and Ben gets mad at them because he doesn't want them ruining the snow hill that Nate built.  It even has a big jump this year.

Santa hasn't even come yet!  This is the benefit to a large and very generous family!  The kids are going to experience another dream Christmas full of everything they could ever want.  I just hope they stay nice kids, with all the things they get.  Thanks for mailing out the packages everyone!  I was expecting to get them from Jill when she came back.  I know shipping isn't cheap, so thanks for doing that.

Bronco had just learned how to crawl, and this was so funny.  He wouldn't put down his sippy cup for anything.  It looked kind of like a cow udder swinging under him as he went along...

We will miss all of you this weekend.  Sorry John, Mom and Dad's tree is going to look void of presents, because half of the grandkids presents are out here.  We hope you all enjoy the peace, because you might not get it next year.  We love you all and look forward to seeing you in Florida!


Jeremy said...

Merry Christmas Jen and Nate, and Emily and Ben and Deven and Bronco! Thanks for the pictures, we will miss you guys this year.

Justin said...

Looks like you need a bigger tree. Or two or three. It doesn't look like our presents have arrived yet either (we followed your advice and kept them decorating our tree until we were almost out of town). That gingerbread house looks awesome! Have a merry Christmas everyone!

The Blaine gang said...

Thanks Justin and Jeremy. I was ready to post my own comment so you could see there was a new post... :) The presents are there Justin, lower right corner. I know it's hard to find them with all those gifts. I won't pass your suggestion to Nate because he would do just that! Love you both!

Alisa said...

Glad you got our gifts!

You tree looks great and the kids look like they are having tons of fun.

Bronco is getting so BIG! See you in Florida!

Susan Dunlap said...

We do and will miss you!!!! As Dad just commented, "great tree and great kids"! Smart Bronco to know how to 'carry along' his cup! We wish each of you the very merriest of Christmases and hope to see pictures of your celebration!

Jill And Thain said...

Merry Christmas!! We will miss you even if it would be more craziness :)>>. Rilan especially could use his buddies. We hope you have a great Christmas though and loved the pictures and post. See you when we get back and for Disneyworld!! :). Love you. Jill, Thain and Rilan :)