Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sunshine and it Spring?

Is it really January? I say this because last Saturday it looked like this...Justin and I went riding out West of Portland and were treated with some sunshine! (Then, January hit on Sunday and it poured but yesterday it didn't rain.)

Here is a funny picture of Justin getting ready for the bike ride in his Sierra Nevada bike jersey (now I want one too).
This week has been a bit stressful for me. Last night I was treated to these...I know some of you will argue otherwise but I have the best husband ever! (Yes, the flowers are in beer boot cup, my vases must be at my parents house.)
I'm really excited to keep reading everyone's feedback about DisneyWorld. A Florida vacation in January sounds great to this Northwesterner (even though I really can't complain too much about the weather this week). I did a quick search for rental houses near Orlando and found a couple of sites:
However, I know this family is pretty skilled at finding rental houses.
Happy rental house hunting!


Jill And Thain said...

Aww Beutiful flowers!! Lucky girl :). I'm jealous of the weather too there's still snow snow snow here but actually it does look like the sun is going to shine today but there's no escaping the cold here. Yeay I love all our fun family vacations!

Justin said...

Aww, thanks hon! And thanks for sharing that picture in a public place again ;).

Susan Dunlap said...

Gorgeous flowers! Sorry to hear about your rough week, Alisa, and sure hope this one is all that much better!
Disneyworld is sounding like a go!!!
Checked a few home sites on VRBO but got discouraged. Your links have encouraged me to continue!
Gosh darn, I couldn't magnify the S.N. picture to get better details!
Your black bean-pumpkin soup couldn't have been better on rerun, Justin!

Alisa said...

Oh honey, I love that picture it's GREAT!

Yay for Disneyworld. Hopefully I'll have some time this weekend to look for houses, I'm certainly not an expert but I thought the sites I listed were semi promising.

The Blaine gang said...

That is a fun picture Justin! You would make one good looking leprechaun (okay, it's the angle of the camera, I'm not poking fun). Beautiful flowers. Now, can you post what's going on with your grad work? I am curious. Off to look at all the housing possibilities. I hope you were all luckier than I was.

Justin said...

Glad the soup was good on left overs Mom!

I don't look like a tough biker Jen? A leprechaun? Sigh, at least I get gold and lucky charms.

The grad program I applied to is for Medical Physics (roughly: the use of radiation in medical imaging and cancer treatment). It would be another 2 years and at least the first year would be taught at OSU a school about two hours away. Medical Physicists are in high demand and I think I would enjoy the work. Lots of stuff to consider, but I do hope I get in.

Susan Dunlap said...

Sounds terrific and exciting and interesting, Justin! Thanks for sharing and thanks for asking, Jen! Do I dare share that "leprechaun"...? Never mind!

Susan Dunlap said...

The picture doesn't look like Justin at all!