Monday, December 14, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Justin and I had a great weekend shopping, wrapping presents, making toffee and running in the cold/icy/foggy weather.

Saturday we shopped! We even brought home a little something for Justin.

Spartacus (my bike, the one with the red on it) has a new friend!
After shopping, Justin made a yummy dinner (hopefully he will post pictures and the recipe) and I wrapped presents! (Jen, hopefully Ben doesn't see this since his birthday present is in the background. Maybe you can scroll over it fast!)
Zoey slept!
Sunday we got up early and got in a very cold and icy run in downtown. I couldn't believe there were people out in SHORTS! Another great thing about Portland is it is truly a town of runners, we saw soooo many people out braving the cold and ice. I love that!

Can't wait to see everyone next week!
P.S. Jill/Thain, so sorry to hear about your loss. We are thinking of you both.


Susan Dunlap said...

What beautiful pictures, but Brrrr! Nice new bike, Justin! Rather than brave the ice and cold, I choose to snuggle up with Zoey!!

The Blaine gang said...

I was just thinking, "whose present is in the background?", when I read the comment... :) Great pictures! Those look like fancy bikes!

Justin said...

It was a beautiful run! Worth getting out in the cold for. Snuggling up with Zoey was a good reward though.

Jill And Thain said...

Thanks Alisa for sharing! Does look cold but beautifull and thanks for the condolences, she was a super nice lady and it's sad because she was plenty young still but it's good all the family is there for eachother.