Monday, June 8, 2009

Marathon #3- Return to San Diego

On May 31st Justin and I ran the San Diego Rock n Roll marathon and completed our third marathon in 365 days. We both came away from the race with new Personal Records (PR’s) and had a great time with friends in SD.

Justin and I had very different race experiences but we both finished strong! It’s been a busy month so I’m not going to go into a lot of detail but I’ll leave you with some photos. On another note, Justin finishes school on THURSDAY!!!! YAY Justin!

Before the race start. Waiting in the Port-o-Potty line.

Justin looking very strong near the beginning of the race.

I think this around mile 3-4, still looking very strong!

Near mile 18, looking tired but chugging along. This was right before there were people handing out otter pops. I gladly took one, it was delicious!

Mile 21. I tried to pose for the camera but they missed it but at least they caught me smiling.
Here is Justin, also near mile 21, he doesn't look so smiley. Still going strong though.

This is very close to the finish line. My eyes are peeled for the archway of the finish line.

Justin finishing STRONG with fist in the air and a new PR.
3:25:29 (aka Super Speedy!)

Finished-YAY! Clock time is not my finish time, official results: 5:49:04

This isn't a very good picture of Justin but it shows that we are all smiles at the finish line. Also shows that I have an extremely patient husband who waits hours for his wife to finish and is happy to see her.

My best friend, Kristen and her husband Kevin, also ran this race. It was their first marathon.


Susan Dunlap said...

Congratulations on a fantastic accomplishment! Terrific pictures as well - did someone you know take them for you? You both look so strong!

Great visiting with you and Jeremy and Kathryn this fun weekend at Scott and Jenn's wedding in Chester!

Our thoughts are with you, Justin, and we hope to hear from you Thursday after you are 'Mastered'!!! Lots of love to all, Mom

Alisa said...

The pictures are from the official race photographers. I "stole" them from the website.

Great to see you this weekend too!

Kathryn said...

Congratulations! That takes a lot of determination, and both personal bests! I am proud of you! The pictures are great.

Jeremy said...

Yes, Congratulations to you both! I cheered you on Justin, as I received text messages Sunday morning.

Jill And Thain said...

great job guys! Not only on just finishing 26 miles but also on personal best times and really good times too to keep up for 26 miles! You both look great but thin/skinny! Don't push your bodies too hard past what is healthy..I mean...not to discourage you either on your great accomplishments because your doing great and that's very admirable!!

Jill And Thain said...

Thanks for all the fun pictures and comments too Alisa, Good luck with this week and so much going on too!!

The Blaine gang said...

Congrats on another marathon. That's amazing and takes a lot of dedication. I can't believe it's your third in one year! Congratulations Justin on graduating!!! Yeah, no more thesis! I love the pictures too. See you in a couple of weeks!

Justin said...

Thanks everyone for the congratulations! It was a great race and one I will always remember. One thing Alisa didn't mention was that my college friend, Jon, his sister, and her friends were also there. His sister was actually running the race (she beat me!), but Jon and her friends cheered me on and acted as a support crew. It was so awesome to have them there. Jon actually ran with me for a mile.