Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Welcome, Sunshine!

Jill arrived and brought us some golden sunshine! Now can I get on with my life, Mrs. Mom-to-be tagger?


Jeremy said...

That's a pretty picture!

Susan Dunlap said...

no... because you have to make my meals, wash my clothes, scrub my floors and do my dirty dishes :)>. Just teasing though you do a lot of that anyhow when I'm here. It's been great being here but not for those reasons really and hey I thought you might want to be tagged you forgot to tag everyone else :)>.

Jill And Thain said...

umm well that last comment really should have said from Jill and Thain it makes no sense bieng from Mom :). I think Rilan just kicked me..who's side is he on anyways! no that's cool I think I'm starting to feel him.