Tuesday, March 24, 2009

17 stupendous facts about the Anderson/Dunlaps

1. We are both early to beders....some days we've seriously gone to bed at 6:30 pm but most days we go to bed at 8:30 or 9 ish. We just love being comfortable and cuddling in bed.
2. We watch a lot of the game shows lately...who wants to be a millionare, family feud, lingo etc. We also like fox news, medical diagnosis, travel chanel and the cowboy channel.

3. We like to play a lot of sports. Thain is great at and played raquetball in college. We enjoy playing raquetball or tennis, volleyball and soccer or anything together and with Amber and Heath

4. A favorite treat of ours is carmeled apples from lagoon, they are so good and in the summer we love to go down to lagoon even with out the kids and ride a few rides and eat a carmeled apple :).

5. A favortie date, especially of Thain's is for us to get fast food take out, like Panda Express and go eat it at a good show. We also like to go get something easy like Arctic Circle's halibut and go have a little sit down picnic in the park.

6. We both love to camp out in our motorhome or back of the jeep too and go induro riding (off road motorcylcing), make campfires and just be out in nature.

7. Thain is very handy he can fix many mechanical things. He got to learn a lot about how things work from destroying many of his family household things. He borrowed his brother's radio to take it all apart and also took apart the family vacuum.....he learned a lot but was probably a handful to deal with sometimes. He's very smart and inquistive.

8. Thain and I both went to BYU but he a little earlier and didn't graduate from there he graduated from Idaho State in Electrical Engineering and with a minor in political science, he wanted to graduate in Political Science a passion for him but was told there wasn't many good jobs in it.

9. Thain grew up on a farm and working in his Dad's dairy shop...they sold ice-cream and cheeses and things...mmmm. Too bad they don't still have it because I love ice-cream.

10. Jill's favorite past times lately are fiddling on the computer, reading, walking, finding organizational projects or things to do around the house. or just plain wasting time thinking about what to do.

11. Jill once tried to run away from home growing up went a few blocks down the road sat on the side of the street by the rocks in front of the Scarins for a little while.....realized she had no were to go or a way to take care of herself and went back home, I don't think anyone even realized I was gone except possibly Jeremy if it was the time I told him I was running away and made him cry because he was only 3 or so and was very tender hearted. I don't even know why I felt that way it's pretty funny. I still have this side that gets pretty frusterated and irrational and dramatic sometimes.
12. If Jill could have any superpower out there it would be flying....she used to even dream about bieng a flying super hero when she was 10 or so....I remember having dreams were I'd fly around save the neighbors or just give them fun rides everyone thought I was so cool and I even remember loving the feeling of flying.....I'd love having those dreams I wouldn't want to wake up.

13. Spunky Anderson our dog is very cute and fun but also stubborn sometimes but he probably has the most names out of any dog anywhere I call him Spunky, Spunks, Punks, Spunky Punks or such. Thain sometimes calls him a lot of those and ruffian, Amber and her friends call him Charlie and Heath calls him Scamps or Scampy...I think he even gets a few other nicknames once in awhile as well.

14. We have fish also for pets right now and had before hamsters, bunnies, chickens and salamanders. one of my favorites suprisingly was the salamanders except for the fact they needed constant live crickets for food.

15. We live in a 3 bedroom, cute, nice manufactured home right now and have a small yard with a trampoline and hammock and little garden and flower area outside. It's got everything we need or want and is nice but we plan on getting in a house in the next few years. When the kids are over lately they love to play hide and seek in the dark and fit in some of the craziest places.

16. Here's a few pics. opps ok they just decided to be on top. 16 and 17 will be some fun pics. a tubing one of us all from last year or so and a favorite honeymoon one of us in front of the Oahu temple and a recent trip to the narrows a place in St george were we visited with Thain's best friend Cole and family and family friends of theirs.


Alisa said...

Yay, let the revival of the family blog begin!

Thanks Jill for playing along.

Fun facts! I think every kid "runs away from home" at least once. I went down the street, in similar fashion, sat on the curb for about an hour and came home.

P.S. #8, good call Thain, definitely more jobs in electrical engineering than polisci. Though, there are a few =).

The Blaine gang said...

Fun post Jill! I loved reading it. Are you getting any snow? It won't quit up here! Argh! Love, Jen

Susan Dunlap said...

I, too, very much enjoyed your 17 stupendous facts, Jill! I am working on compiling a list of such for Dad and me, but am not quite to 17!

Like Alisa and yourself, I remember "running away from home" also. I sat in some brush across the street (22nd Ave. S.M.) by what was the Gymkhana Club which boarded horses. I got cold, hungry, and didn't like the smell!

Justin said...

I'm jealous of your many flying dreams! I think I have only experienced a couple and always loved them.

Thanks for sharing your list Jill! Great job on formatting it as well, the rainbow text is pretty spiffy.