Sunday, December 14, 2008

Winter wonderland comes to Portland

It's very hard to follow Jill and Thain's exciting news but somebody had to post after here it goes...

It was a winter wonderland here in Portland today. It starting snowing about 9 am and didn't let up until 4 ish. Justin and I cancelled our plans to run downtown with our running buddies, the roads were not looking good. (We both got in our runs later though...Justin braved the snow and I ran on the treadmill.) I bet you Utahans laugh at our piddly 3-4 inch snow accumulations but for us it was big news. We spent the morning being rather lazy, watching a movie and cuddling with Zoey.

We did attempt to take her out for a walk mid-morning. She's never experienced snow before and it was quite the spectacle mostly b/c of her snow booties. Yesterday, we bought her snow booties. We bought them with the intention of using them in CA when we go snow shoeing with my Dad but decided today would be a good day to try a trial run. Here are a couple of videos of her with them on. (The first one is the funny one, this is right after we put them on her.)

Here are a few pictures from the day.

It's supposed to stay really cold this week, the weatherman said it's an "Arctic Blast." Why is it that this sunshine loving, warm weather, beach girl ends up living in a place that has "arctic blasts"? Hmmmmm food for thought.

I'm hoping the roads aren't too bad for me tomorrow morning. I'm actually not really looking forward to work this week. They are doing a big round of layoffs this week. I'm safe, which is a big relief, but a lot of people I know aren't, including one of my bosses =(. She's been with the institution for 22 years and they gave her the boot. I was shocked! She's like our mother hen. Things are going to look different at work after the New Year. Last week was rough. The atmosphere around work is ominous and gloomy. Lots of slamming doors and kleenex boxes. I am really looking forward to Christmas and spending time away from work with all of you. We are planning on leaving next weekend although if the weather is bad over the passes we might push it back a day or so.

Congrats again to Jill and Thain...what exciting news!

Can't wait to get big hugs from everyone in a couple of weeks.


Jill said...

I love to log on and find a new blog :)...That was funny to watch Zoey in her booties, she's sure a lucky dog to be loved so much. I'm glad you both enjoyed snow the fun way too by staying in and cuddling ;). Don't you think it's nice to have seasons...even if summer is the nicest? :). Thanks for everyones congrats too they were really fun to get. :). Can't wait to see you three in about a week!!

Jeremy said...

Thanks for posting the videos and pictures! They were fun to see. I wish we had snow.

The Blaine gang said...

Ugh, not fun for work! I am glad you aren't in the firing spotlight! Yes, the snow looks cold. Those booties are too cute. How did you post your video?

Susan Dunlap said...

Woweee! How beautiful! What a blast with Zoey - loved the videos!!! Glad your job is safe! Our cable went down Sunday afternoon, so we have been without internet, TV, etc. 'til last night!