Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our Winter Wonderland

This is our driveway this morning! More rain is predicted and hopefully (?) it will wash away the ice that makes this soooo slippery! However we may get more snow, so be sure to bring your four wheel drives and snow chains! We are like little kids waiting on Santa, except we are waiting for you!
Colby , Bri, and Aiden worked on a snowman when the storm was beginning. Falling branches took down our cable line (thus we were without internet and TV for 3 days!) and our power was on and off, and then surging when on due to a broken power neutralizer (?) line. No mail for 2 days and late papers! We were out of touch!!!!
Yesterday at breakfast, I couldn't just sit there and eat, so I looked through our 2008 calendar. I laughed and cried as fond memories and fun events flooded back! You have no idea how precious these calendars are to us!!!!!
This is when the snow first began - so pristine and beautiful! Wish I had taken a picture after the 6 to 7 inches were on the ground. Of course by then, some of the not so great things about snow were crowding out the joys!


Alisa said...

Awww we can't wait to be there either!

You guys got quite a bit of snow! Ours changed to rain in during the night so it's nice and slushy today. It has been snowing on and off today, but we did get a few rays of sun too. There is a big storm heading our way from Seattle. But Saturday looks clear so we are planning to leave then.

I'm excited to see the new calendars. I used to always get a sneak peak...not I'm waiting in suspense just like you!

Justin said...

Looks like you have more than we do! Sorry to hear the snow has brought you guys so many problems. Like Alisa said, ours is all slush now. It is probably going to be turned into ice over night... Oh well, hopefully the roads will have recovered by Saturday. Really looking forward to seeing everyone!!!

The Blaine gang said...

Pretty Mom! I guess we'll bring the Excursion. We keep going back and forth about the motorhome. It would be nice to have the motorhome for Arizona. Anyway, Nate says we are leaving Monday morning, he doesn't want you to feel cheated by any means. Look for us Monday night late. I'll call if that changes. I think you'll be kicking us out the door Sunday! :) It will be fun to see everyone soon!