Monday, October 13, 2008

Snowy weekend

Take the picture already Dad!

Trying to catch snowflakes Saturday morning.

What to do when there's not quite enough snow.

Saturday's snowman

Sunday's snowman. Sadly, it fell down a little while later. Nate said it shook the earth...
Mom, you can thank him for these great pictures. You'll have to look on my blog for the fulfillment of my assignment.

Alisa, I guess Spunky needs a sweater here too! Luckily he's got a warm bed and still seems fine. He must have a Utah coat! :)

Ben has laryngitis poor guy. It is a lot quieter around here without his screaming and constant sound effects. Luckily he feels good except for having no voice.

That's all for us. Love, Jen

1 comment:

Susan Dunlap said...

What a joy to return home to all these wonderful pictures! I love the snowmen, but am not personally ready for the snow to be here! Who but Nate would think to build a tall snowman quite like that one - - I love it! Your caption for the Ben and the beet pictures is perfect!